Sunday, March 30, 2014

Lovin' Me Some Floor-i-duh Sun

I do love my Floor-i-duh deck overlooking the canal!

The warm sun feels very good on my furs. 

Until next time...Sir Titan of Nottingham CGC TT

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Monday, March 17, 2014

Gettin' My Irish On

Wishing all my Irish peeps a very Happy St. Paw-trick's Day toady.

Until next time...Sir Titan of Nottingham CGC TT

Thursday, March 6, 2014

It's All Good

I don't care if my sweet frozen treats are in a Kong

 or in an old marrow bone

it's always cold and it's always very tasty.  However, when we are in Floor-i-duh, I must eat it outside on the deck in order to protect the car-pet.  I don't totally understand this because it's car-PET after all.

Until next time...Sir Titan of Nottingham CGC TT

Saturday, March 1, 2014


I am this many...
My mama used to say "I can't wait till he's 2".  "I can't wait till he's 3".  Truthfully, not much changes about me, even tho I'm older and wiser; I still have my less than perfect moments.  

My mama has given up getting excited about me getting older.  To be fair, I've given up getting excited about her getting older, too.

Until next time...Sir Titan of Nottingham CGC TT