Monday, September 1, 2014

Gimme an F...

Gimme an I...Gimme a V...Gimme an E!  Why?  Because today's my birthday and I'M FIVE!
That means I've been around for FIVE years, that's like 35 years in people years.  It's like I need to have a mid-life crisis or something, right?  Nah, no crisises for me, it's all good!!!

Now, I think being five means I should get FIVE presents...right?  Technically, I guess I did get five presents.  

I got a new outside toy...
Seriously, this is my most favoritist toy I have ever enjoyed!  I think my old one was just getting broken in but I do sometimes get my teeth stuck in it, so it's a good thing I got a new one.
Used AND abused
I got a new collar and it matches my martingale collar, otherwise known as my "walking" collar because it's the one I wear when I go for a walk.
I got a doggie treat that looks like a frosted donut.  
Have you ever seen anything so cool?  My mama and papa got it for me in No. Conway while they were at camp and had been hiding it in the fridge ever since they came home.  I must pay more attention to what's in the fridge. 

I got my very own Wendy's hamburger!
I am a very polite burger eater, always savoring the bun before I gobble up the meat.
AND I got a new inside toy because I loved my old one to death, totally!  It lasted a long, long time, tho...I brought it home from Floor-i-duh in April!
The yuckiest part of my birthday was having my stupid picture taken, over and over and over until my mama got the perfect picture.  She's taking pictures of ME, which makes them ALL perfect!  Well, I guess these two aren't very perfect...
Time to take this dumb hat OFF
I need some rest!
The rest are quite spectacular, if I do say so myself.

Check out my new collar
Yes, I'm spoiled, what's your point?

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

Until next time...Sir Titan of Nottingham CGC TT

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