Sunday, January 6, 2019


First...let me set the scene.  We are on our walk from downtown Punta Gorda to the hospital.  The area is 95% grass, 4% sidewalk and 1% dead palm frond.  Said named frond is where I chose to do my duty on this bright, sunny morning.
Now, while I was very proud of myself and quite relieved, my mama was not so impressed.  I thought maybe a "good boy", "well done", "nice job" or possibly a tasty treat was in order but what do I get from my mama?  "Are you kidding me?" "I'm taking a picture of that and sending it to Auntie Wendy."  and she did.  Gross.

Instead of being impressed by the fact that l) I can't see what I'm doing, since it's at the south end of a northbound body 2) I have no idea of the speed at which it will exit 3) nor do I know at what angle it will is placed perfectly in the center of aforementioned dead palm frond.    

Instead, she says..."How am I supposed to pick that up?"

Technically, that's not my job, so I think it was a ree-tor-ick-ul question, but I have no doubt that she will figure something out, she always does.

Until next time...Sir Titan of Nottingham, CGC TT

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